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Turn on Discovery Commerce with KLIMAX

Turn on Discovery Commerce with KLIMAX


Inspire with creativity on engaging surfaces.

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Great creativity is an important element in your campaign.
Meta technologies help you meet customers where they are with relevant, mobile-first content that resonates.

Create mobile-first content.
Mobile-first creative can improve the customer experience and encourage action across campaigns. You can create for mobile by using a mix of video and still images, prominently showcasing your product and keeping copy concise to clearly communicate your message.

Build a consistent visual identity.
A consistent visual identity ​helps build recognition and can differentiate you from the competition. Consider elements such as your logo, type, colours and mnemonics to bring consistency to your visuals. Consistent visuals can also act as a common thread to unite an idea across your campaigns.

Connect with audiences through relevant creativity.
“Good” creativity means different things to different people. Relevant creative helps businesses reach and convert new customers. With today’s machine learning technology, you can better understand which creative resonates most with your audiences and show them ads they care about.

Learn through creative experimentation.
Experimenting with different messages and creative approaches helps you discover what’s resonating with customers. You can build ads that encourage the actions you’re looking for by starting with a thoughtful hypothesis, building differentiated creative, running A/B tests and applying your learnings.

Capture attention with rich formats.
Mobile-first platforms paired with rich formats offer many opportunities to let your creative shine. Immerse audiences with Instagram Stories and Instagram Reels. Invite customers to play with carousel ads and interactive ads. And turn on thumb-stopping visuals with collections and Instant Experiences.


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